BPO Technology & Innovation Advising

As cloud call center technology continues to advance at an ever-increasing pace, your BPO’s customers are becoming more and more uncertain about their own call center software solutions. Tools that adequately meet their basic needs are no longer enough – they want to be certain they are investing in the best possible platforms available. As the number and complexity of available tools grows, it becomes difficult for companies to do exhaustive research on their own. As a result, they rely on technology advisors to guide them in the right direction.

Cloud Call Center Search can be your secret weapon. We’ll be your extended team of innovation experts, supporting you as you navigate technology questions from prospects and customers alike. We can be a silent partner or an active participant in the discussions – whatever will best position you for success.

We’ll help you close more deals, attract better customers, and set your agents up for success. We are comprehensive technology experts and a completely unbiased resource.

How can our BPO Innovation Advisory Team help you?

Close More Deals

Expertise in technology and innovation is no longer a nice bonus, it’s a requirement. Customers expect their BPO providers to provide technology solutions, provide quick answers to complex questions, and alert them if their current technology is causing them to underperform. Failure to provide this technology subject matter expertise is frequently the deciding factor when a company decides to sign on with a competitor.

Bringing in a technology expert to handle these requests will put you on par or leapfrog you past your competitors, keeping you in the lead as you add innovation to the long list of benefits you offer prospective clients.

Attract Better Customers

The best customers ask the right questions. They make it a point to be educated, and they understand that the right software solutions can make or break the success of their outsourcing endeavors. By engaging a cloud call center software expert to supplement your technology team through the RFP and sales process, you are putting your best foot forward to impress the best possible customers.

Set Your Agents up for Success

The right technology doesn’t just benefit your customers, it benefits you. Cloud call center software that is perfectly suited to your customers’ needs will ultimately make it easier for your agents to perform at a higher level. The right solution means a streamlined, efficient process for both your agents and the individuals they interact with.  

Comprehensive Technology Expertise

The cloud call center software landscape is rapidly changing. New capabilities are constantly being added, and existing technology becomes more complex with each version.  Your internal technology team has an operation to keep running and unless you have a dedicated person for evaluating new technology, they are likely unaware of the possible solutions available today.

More likely than not, existing clients and prospective customers alike are coming to you with questions about a particular solution or vendor – many of which may not immediately be on your radar. They are inundated with vendor pitches, and are often left with a sense of uncertainty and inadequacy due to the nature of the messaging. They need to know if a particular solution will be a game changer, but be put at ease if that solution wouldn’t add any significant value.

We can provide those answers – no matter how specific or complex – for you. If your customer is asking about it, we’ll help you provide the answer. We research, compare and validate every imaginable call center technology solution. This includes but is in no way limited to:

  • Outbound predictive dialer
  • IVR
  • ACD
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Chatbots
  • Voice analytics
  • Workforce optimization
  • Business intelligence
  • Workforce management
  • Gamification
  • CRM

Unbiased Consulting

At Cloud Call Center Search, we work with industry leading and middle market cloud call center software partners across the technology landscape. We have intricate knowledge of the pros and cons of each of our partners, and the types of programs they are best suited to support. We are vendor agnostic – our purpose is to find the right match and not to sell you a particular product.