Call Center Voice Analytics Software & Workforce Optimization

Voice and/or Speech analytics has been around for a lot longer than people realize, and it is a part of a Workforce Optimization solution.  The ability for a system to listen and transcribe a conversation is just a portion of the whole and the engines have made significant strides as the voice technology has matured.

In today’s complex world we are required often to adhere to certain compliances in our centers calls that could cost your business a significant amount of money if not carefully monitored.  Speech analytics gives you the ability to monitor every call and identify specific phrases and words that either are required or are risky to use. If you have a team of 100 agents you could not feasibly staff enough quality assurance personnel to listen to every call even if they were just listening to the first 20-30 seconds of the calls.

With more advanced systems you can also identify sentiment, key word patterns, agent performance and adherence to critical company phrases on every call in both live or post call environments.

Integrating speech analytics with your workforce optimization team will allow you to easily identify key areas in a call, listening for positive results and opportunities for improvement through automated score carding and communication management tools.  Your agents and supervisors can all be required to digitally sign and accept the score cards, and that data can then be leveraged inside gamification tools.

How Voice Analytics and WFO Benefit Your Call Center

The benefits can be tremendous as you scale your ability to score every single phone call. This data can create exceptionally valuable insights on both your agents’ performance and common problems from your customers’ perspectives.

Specifically, you can:

  • Understand your current communications channels and how to integrate that data into your WFO solution
  • Capture the category and keywords that should be required on every call
  • Listen for specific words of phrases that should never be said during a conversation
  • Monitor the sentiment of the customers
  • Listen for keywords in previously recorded conversations
  • Listen to live calls and flag phrases to provide agents as live feedback
  • Adhere to compliance for many regulations
  • Analyze trends in customer calls
  • Flag customer issues to create instant notifications to leadership of an issue

Conversation analytics have been shown to have a 3.2x improvement annually in SLA compliance for companies implementing them.


Improvement in Compliance

Considerations when Evaluating Voice Analytics/WFO Solutions

There are call center voice analytics and workforce optimization solutions that will fit any need, but the individual systems are varied and have different strengths and weaknesses. Before you begin your evaluation process, it’s important to compile an exhaustive list of your organization’s needs by asking the following questions:

  • What is necessary for your business when choosing a WFO solution from a delivery method?
  • Is live analytics necessary, or does post call analysis fit your needs?
  • Is the speech analytics or automation in QA the most critical?
  • Is the vendor already integrated to your current telephony environment, or are they willing to do the integration as part of the implementation?

Call Center Voice Analytics and WFO Software Vendors

The Workforce optimization and speech analytics market is filled with vendors of all sizes with variations in complexities to their solutions. Some have extensive experience in certain verticals which in this case truly impacts the ease of implementations from leveraging pre-existing taxonomies.

Adding speech analytics and WFO to your call center can certainly create astounding results from agent performance, risk reduction in compliance adherence, and customer satisfaction as long as you select the right vendor.

Let us help you simplify your selection process and bring your organization right to the short list of vendors that fits your needs.